
Learn How: Step by Step Boutis

Happy New Year and welcome to a year of celebrating stitching traditions, with a focus on boutis.

Over the next few months, I will be posting a series of step by step tutorials that will describe the various stages of boutis, from preliminary prep and Materials, through to the finishing.

For those who find delight in the quiet, meditative rhythm of hand stitching, boutis will be a natural extension. Sometimes referred to as "Broderie de boutis", or "The Embroidery of Boutis", as its name suggests, it is a comfortable fit for embroiderers. And because of its method of construction, 2 layers of cotton batiste with a cotton yarn sandwiched in between, it fits quite nicely into the world of quilting as well. Even if hand stitching is not your thing, maybe the simple, classic technique will tempt you to give it a try.

Over time, we will wander through the techniques and present mini tutorials that will equip you with the basic information needed to create your own project.

Join the journey and discover traditional Boutis from the south of France.

As the site grows, information and articles will be added on a regular basis.