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“La Cigale NeedleBook” and “Rosette de Ville” are two kits that will introduce you to the world of classic, traditional French boutis and teach you the basics of boutis. With step by step detailed instructions and photos, the kit is designed to will help you create your own little piece of classic elegance, whether this is your first try, or whether you have had previous experience. Both kits come complete with a 22 page instruction manual, a pre-printed pattern on white batiste as well as all other boutis specific materials required to complete the project.

If you are already familiar with boutis and have the necessary supplies, a downloadable pdf of the pattern and the instructions is also available.

La Cigale” NeedleBook includes all necessary materials specific to boutis to complete this project.

The kit is available in two colours: You have the choice of a traditional white with white cotton batiste, or a provencal yellow with white.

”Rosette De Ville” (City Rose), can be finished as either a little suncatcher or a wall hanging. Both finishes are described in the manual.

A detailed instruction manual for both introductory kits will help you to complete the project, from the prep work to the finishing technique.

Included in the kit are: A 22 page instruction manual, two pieces of cotton batiste, (one pre-printed on white, the other the colour of your choice), a piece of felt, a quilting between needle, a round point tapestry needle, a specialty boutis cording needle, hand quilting thread, (colour of your choice) and cotton cording yarn.

Included in the kit are: A 23 page instruction manual, two pieces of cotton batiste, (one pre-printed on white, the other your choice of white or Provencal yellow), a quilting between needle, a round point tapestry needle, a specialty boutis cording needle, hand quilting thread, (colour of your choice) and cotton cording yarn. The background fabric for the wall hanging is not included.

Additional boutis supplies are available at: Averyclaire Needle Arts on Etsy.
