Image of an antique boutis quilt

Discovering the history of an antique or vintage needlework piece adds a layer of depth and richness. It brings our thoughts back in time to previous generations of creators and makers. There's a feeling of warmth and connection; each stitch is part of a story being told; of a time, a place, an occasion. Learning about the history of a particular work or of a specific technique makes the piece come alive for me and captivates me. It creates a link between the modern day stitcher and a stitcher from a bygone era.

As this website grows, discover the origins of boutis with me. Where was it born? Who were the first atrisans that created boutis in France? What were the influences that prompted the first designs? As I travel along my journey of "Boutis", I'll share my discoveries here. You are more than welcome to come along for the ride.